
I didn’t have time to get to the gym on Tuesday, and usually I would use that as an excuse not to exercise, but this time I fought the urge to keep on sitting in front of the computer and changed into my workout clothes.  I decided to try this fun exercise from one of […]

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Zachary and I finally finished these kits last night, and I shipped them off today.  I wonder if the FedEx man could tell how excited I was to send these suckers out? Relatively healthy but definitely tasty supper last night.

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Homemade pizza

I used our new pizza stone last night to make our first homemade pizza, and it was delicious.  I ended up using this crust recipe from Eva Bakes, but I split the recipe in half.  (I had to add about 1/4 a cup of water to the dough after I split the recipe because it […]

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