
22: Stacks and stacks of papers to grade… Looks like fun, right? 23: A gift from a friend who was cleaning out her kitchen.  I’ll have to try out some of these pizza recipes soon! 24: What I wore to teach today.  I felt very “Little House on the Prairie.”

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Did you think I gave up on my 365 posts?  Nope! I’m still here… Just a little behind.  My dad and I made a trip to see grandparents in FL over the long weekend. Beach time, Cuban sandwiches and a Stephanie Plum novel were just what I needed after the first two long weeks back […]

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Today felt like a Converse kind of day.  It’s been rainy and gross outside all week, and I really didn’t feel like dressing up.  Technically, they’re not dress code worthy for a teacher on a Thursday, but oh well.  I wore them anyways.

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Zachary and I are on a Downton Abbey kick right now.  I’ve already watched both seasons, but I begged Zachary to watch them with me until he finally gave in.  (I think he secretly enjoys watching them…)  We just started Season 2 last night. Have to hurry, so we can watch Season 3!

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Look what came in the mail!  I’ve been debating about whether or not I should attempt this project because I’ve started things like this before, and it only lasted a week or two.  However, I seem to be keeping up with my 365 project alright and figure that I can combine the two into one […]

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My aunt knit these potholders when we first moved into this house, and I love that they match our kitchen.  They’re so happy looking!  By the way, check out that retro Boomerang Formica.  The kitchen in the house that we’re renting is one of the reasons why we love it.  The pink stove, oven and […]

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