
I found this 365 project on fatmumslim, and I think I’ll try to use some of the ideas she has for each day.  Turns out my day 1 theme fit with this schedule, so why not try day two’s theme. Something new. I think my family knows I like owls.  Thanks guys!

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New skirts

These are the two skirts I finished a couple of days ago.  Unfortunately, I ran out of light the day I was supposed to take pictures of my little cousins modeling them, so for now you can enjoy them hanging on this cute bird wire.  The one on the left with the ruffles is from […]

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365 project

The last couple of years I claimed I was going to do a 365 project, but it always ended up lasting about a week before I gave up.  This year I’m determined to stick it out!  I know, I know…. You’ve heard about this project before, but it looks like so much fun!  I’m daring […]

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In my sewing room…

I have a pile of fabric that will eventually turn into a quilt.  Yellow and greys are always so pretty!I have a new friend to keep me company while I sew.  Isn’t he adorable?  My mother-in-law made each of the girls sewing kits out of felt for Christmas.  When you flip up the top part […]

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Ruffle apron

I’ve had so much fun sewing these last few days, and I’m trying not to think about going back to work on Thursday.  My sewing always seems to come to a halt when we’re in school.  However, I’ve been happy to relax and sew while listening to some new music.  (Thanks Lili for telling us […]

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Around here on Christmas Day

Christmas at my in-laws usually starts off with us opening presents as early as we can wake everyone up, which usually means we make as much noise as possible as early as possible.  One of the best presents we received this year was socks that Zachary’s grandmother knit.  Handmade gifts are always awesome!  After presents, […]

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