Oatmeal currant cookies!

Yes, I realize that this isn’t a sewing post, but these cookies are too yummy not to share. If someone had told me when I was little that I would one day love oatmeal cookies, I would have laughed at them. However, these cookies are delicious! You can find the recipe under the lid of […]

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A pillow for me!

I’ve been thinking about stitching out this little bird for a while now, but I never could figure out what I wanted to put it on.  My original plan was to make placemats, but then I realized I didn’t have enough fabric to make four…. So, I decided to turn my placemat into a pillow.  […]

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Whitney bag

Second time is charm?  It would appear that way!  My second attempt on this wool/faux leather bag turned out a hundred times better than the one in my previous post.  Instead of using a rectangular piece, I cut out curvier pieces that helped the bag to slouch a little easier.  It’s definitely closer to what […]

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Fail. Fail. Success!

So it might seem that my lack of posts means I haven’t been sewing away these last couple of weeks, but that’s definitely not the case.  I’ve had several projects going the last while, but until today they were all a flop. I tried to make a slouchy purse for a friend.  Fail. It’s way […]

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